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Payment Structure
Once you have reserved your slot, payments are to be made made every four weeks, in advance. Reminder texts will be sent on the Monday of the week that fees are due. Full payment of tuition fees is required before or on commencement of lessons.
Attendance Policy
Rhythm Drum School is open all year round. Students may take two weeks holidays during the summer and two weeks at Christmas. We are not open on bank holidays. Payment must be made for all lessons and classes whether taken or missed. Please inform your teacher or the school directly as soon as possible if a student will be absent. In the case of the teacher being absent, the class will be made up at a mutually convenient time.
Students are expected to be on time for lessons. Students who arrive late for lessons will not be given extra time beyond the scheduled lesson time.
Medical Conditions
Students or their parent/guardian must inform the teacher if they are suffering from any form of illness or allergy. It is particularly important that a teacher knows if a student suffers from a condition such as Asthma, Diabetes or Epilepsy so that the teacher can cope in an informed way, should the student suffer an attack.
It is also important that the teacher is informed of any sight/hearing/learning difficulties which might affect a students ability to respond in a lesson.
All medical information will be treated in the strictest confidence by the school.
When you arrive at the school:
Please park in the designated parking area to the left as you come in the gate. If there is another car on the roundabout, pull up behind it. By the time you finish your lesson, the car in front will be gone and you can continue on the roundabout to the right and back out the gate.​
Please walk to the school from here. If it is dark there will be lights on.
​For health and Safety reasons, do not drive down to the Drum School as there may be children playing.
​If you are waiting for your child, and have other children in the car with you, for health and safety reasons, all persons must remain in the car.
​​Hearing Protection
Hearing protection is recommended to be worn at Rhythm Drum School during lessons.
From time to time, photographs may be taken for publicity purposes. Unless otherwise stated, submission of the enrolment from will be regarded as permission for such photographs to be so used.
For safety and security purposes CCTV cameras are in 24 hour operation in Rhythm Drum Studio. Signing of this consent form will be regarded as permission for such CCTV footage to be taken during lessons.